My Life in Rubber Boots

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today my reader(s) is Sunday the day of rest for many people and today sadly it is not me. I was in the car today coming home from a exciting birthday party of a member of my church, This member is older than I as was most of the guests except for a select few people (you know who you are!). Anywho back to my thought which was: "self, you should write a new blog" I thought this thought because on Tuesday I will be returning to my job of camp counselor at Canoe Cove Christian Camp, the camp starts on Wednesday but I have to be early so I can be all ready and in the camping mode for the first time campers. But do not worry because I will be back because I can't live at the camp always, I think they kick people out at the end of the camping season. At camp I am the nurse which is ok so far, no one has broken any bones and there has been no large amounts of blood leaving a wound which is on a camper. If there had been cases of large loss of blood I would need my own nurse because I get whoozy at the sight of blood, mine or anyone eleses. Being camp nurse has kept me busy and being at home for a week has a word....boring. I'm sorry Mom but going to Peake's Quay and looking at arts and crafts is not really my cup of tea, although I ocasionaly enjoy a cup of tea. My idea of a cup of tea is going to a movie and Dairy Queen all in one evening WOOT, also my cup of tea is having a
root-beer float and a Teen Burger from A&W WOOT WOOT! But my ultimate cup of tea is going to some out of the way place with friends and eating you guessed it ICE CREAM!! well my reader(s) how does that(this blog) fill your boots? So...Good Evening, Chow, See Ya Later Alligator, Talk to you Later. How ever you say it until next time


  • Consider my boots filled. You may want to title a few of these eh.

    By Blogger Ben, at 8:05 PM  

  • These blogs make me laugh, keep it up! I'm working on that ice cream thing for you and you know who...

    By Blogger James, at 10:03 PM  

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