My Life in Rubber Boots

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I like taking Pictures

Hi I'm back from camp and almost rested up from my days at camp, this camp was a shorter one because it was the first timers camp. I have now seen the Naria movie a total of five times next week will be my sixth time seeing it (Whoopie), the movie really is quite good but after a while the movie does get redundant (wow that's a big word!). The week my friends begins another year of VBS, oh the joy the excitement I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it (please note the sarcasm in that sentence), this year is going to be extra exciting because there are more than one theme going for the week there is going to be: a jungle theme, castle theme and one more I can't think of right know. Luckly I am just a helper which means I eat all the cookies drink all the juice and generally start fights between the kids and other teachers and maybe if I'm real lucky get to eat all the icecream at the last day "party". By know your most likely wondering what the title of this blog has to do with anything I have so far talked about, well my peeps (I'm trying to have some street cred) wonder no more! I have a favorite hobby it is photography from now on I am going to try to have a picture with my post, they may not have anything to do with my post or they may but today they are going to be completely random! That's all for today so See ya later Allagator.


  • I love this blog.

    By Blogger James, at 5:34 PM  

  • thanks for the street cred I will use it this week at VBS! (bible street cred for help me I being sucked into a vortex of doom)

    By Blogger Valerie, at 7:37 PM  

  • Just so we all get this straight. I did not give permission for my photo to be taken or posted on the internet. I am in the process of buying a new helmet.

    By Blogger Laura, at 7:39 PM  

  • keep the posts comming Val. They are great. Also, VBS is definatley the vortex of doom. Good Luck.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 AM  

  • You bear a striking resemblance to Bob (not him in the background) except that you have more street cred than he does.

    By Blogger Geoff, at 9:35 PM  

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