My Life in Rubber Boots

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Memories are funny things, funny because of what triggers them. For example every time I use my hair dryer I remember the time one summer day when I was using my hair dryer and my Mother knocked on the bathroom door. I thought she was going to tell me that I needed to hurry up and get out of the bathroom, but instead she was telling me that my grandfather (Gramps) had just died. It still hurts now to write this down and share with you all, but it is something I have to write down. So because of this simple sentence my life was changed, changed because I would never again hear my Gramps sing songs to me or take me for a drive in the truck to get the ice cream he had just called the restaurant for on the phone. The good thing that comes from this story is that I have another memory, the memory that I will see my Gramps again.
 I just have a short blog this time because I like short stories! Next blog will be different it may be longer :) 
Until next time

Monday, February 09, 2009


Hello! How has everyone been? I am fine. I finally remembered my password for this and decided to write something new, so here it goes.
A lot has happened since the last time I wrote you all, so much in fact I won't tell you everything! But here is a brief summery: I gradutated from the program at Holland College and I am now a cetified ECE (Early Childhood Educator), I also have the first year certificate from Martime Christian College. Each took a lot of strength and endurance (on my part) to complete,they were the hardest three years of my life but because of them I am well educated. Now your probably wondering about what I have done with the rest of my time, when I was not in school. Those days were filled up with going to the beach a few times, eating out, going to the movies, spending money on movies for my collection, making a new friend that I will have for the rest of my life, starting to exercise (a shock to my system and friends!), and just general living of life. So my reader(s) that is all for now, I may be back again soon or I may be back again in a year, who knows!
Until then.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Introduction Manners

The following is from my favorite manners book which is: "The Family Book of Manners" by Hermine Hartley and illustrated by Al Hartley.
"Sometimes we will meet someone we haven't seen for a long time. We may not remember them, and they may not remember us. This could be an awkward situation.
When this happens, we just say,
"Hello, I'm Jane Brown. It's nice to see you again." It's best not to say, "Remember me?" If they don't remember us, our question would place them in an embarrassing position.
Good manners are always considerate
They release tension"
So with this in mind: Hello, I am Valerie Osborne. It's nice to 'see' you again!"
Don't you feel better, I feel the tension floating away ahhhh.... Until next time my friend(s).

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Rut

Did you ever get in a rut(in life) so deep that you needed a flashlight to see where you are going?Well my friend(s) that's where my life is right now. My life consist of going to on the job training(daycare), eating my three meals a day and watching TV, I do nothing more and nothing less (oh besides go to church on Sundays). This fact was confirmed for me when yesterday which was a Friday I could have gone to Hockey but I was stuck in the rut (hence the need for the rubber boots). As I look through my "calander" I see nothing but empty days and that upsets me, I should be doing so much more then complaining on this blog, I should be going places or have a hobby that would keep me busy. But no I have some how slipped into a rut that I can't get out of, so if this blog is not updated it's because I don't want to keep writing "complaining" posts. This blog will be udated when I am almost out of this rut, and have something better to write about.
Until next time,

Monday, February 05, 2007

Questions to Ponder

These are just a few of the many questions that run through my head in a run of a day:

  1. Whatever happened to Jonah?
  2. Who invented Jello?
  3. Who invented Toothpaste?
  4. Where does the word "milk" come from?
  5. Did the English language start at the Tower of Babel?
  6. Who actually invented fire? (I want a name)
  7. Why is fire so fascinating?
  8. Why is the word 'fascinating' hard to spell?
  9. I wonder what the Queen is doing right know?
  10. Why can't I keep this blog updated?

If anyone has a real answer to any of these questions please answer them, it would be most appreciated.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well Christmas is here again and with it comes traditions, this year my family is starting a new one! Oh Boy! We are going to watch a movie on Christmas Eve (tonight) and the movie that the Osborne's are going to watch is: Talladega Nights. This year Christmas is going to be interesting if we are starting off with Ricky Bobby! Well that's all for now until next time


Monday, December 11, 2006

Sad Day in the Hood


I have been told that I need to write a new post, but when someone tells me to do something I want to do the opposite. So I will not write about how my fish Mr. Darcy died and I will not write about the invitiation for the Dad's and Daughter's Breakfast at A&W that came in the mail today, further more I will not write about how for school I have to find an object that represents my life. You can probably tell I am not in a happy-go-lucky mood right now but give me a hour and I will be.

Merry Christmas