My Life in Rubber Boots

Monday, February 05, 2007

Questions to Ponder

These are just a few of the many questions that run through my head in a run of a day:

  1. Whatever happened to Jonah?
  2. Who invented Jello?
  3. Who invented Toothpaste?
  4. Where does the word "milk" come from?
  5. Did the English language start at the Tower of Babel?
  6. Who actually invented fire? (I want a name)
  7. Why is fire so fascinating?
  8. Why is the word 'fascinating' hard to spell?
  9. I wonder what the Queen is doing right know?
  10. Why can't I keep this blog updated?

If anyone has a real answer to any of these questions please answer them, it would be most appreciated.



  • Jonah is dead
    Jello was invented by some rich guy
    Toothpaste was invented by another some rich guy
    The word "milk" comes from the nutritious liquid from the udders of a cow
    No the English language was compiled overtime because....
    God invented Fire
    Fire is fascinating because....
    The Queen is wondering what she's doing right about now!
    You can't keep this blog updated because....

    By Blogger Robbie Sevilla, at 12:33 AM  

  • Jonah opened a fish plant
    Jello was invented by gypsies
    Toothpaste was invented by Timmy the tooth
    The word milk is actually an acronym for "Mixed Ice Lime Kool-aid" but it never really took off.
    The English language started around 1986, at least it did for me.
    Fire is "fascinating" because fascinating is a germen word for "really hot and will burn if you touch it"
    Fascinating isn't hard to spell, you're just stupid.
    The queen is hopefully pondering how she can somehow be useful.
    You can't keep this blog updated because people (like me) leave comments that are longer then your posts.

    And there ya go.

    By Blogger Ben, at 3:09 PM  

  • 1)Jonah is still on that cliff crying like Ben does when the Leafs lose.
    2)Jello?...Bill Cosby...who else?
    3)Toothpaste was actually put out by the Tide detergent company. That's all it is actually, with some flavoring to prevent it from tasting like soap.
    4)Milk comes from cows...duh.
    5)Everything comes from Greek...double duh. (Did you know that influence and influenza come from the same word...think about it)
    6)Think Moses and the burning bush.
    7)So that you'll spend more time thinking about it and less time standing in it. (Why are you so fascinated about fire anyway Valerie...?)
    8)Why isn't "phonic" spelled phonically?
    9)She is talking to me on MSN.
    10)Because you have dial up internet at home...boy can I sympathize...

    By Blogger Matt, at 7:29 PM  

  • You can't keep this blog updated because you're too busy living your life as oppose to the losers who don't have a life (including myself) and make one up and type it out to entertain others who don't have a life.
    Whatever she is doing, I'm sure God will save her.
    Fascinating is not as hard to spell as artificial backwards, without looking at the word or writing it down first [note: cranium]
    It produces energy, and if you include the Sun, keeps life on the ball of things (the way God intended)
    God invented fire, who was the first person to make a fire with God's tools/creation, remains unknown.
    The English language did not start at the Tower of Babel [note: anglo-saxon]
    where did you come from?
    Whoever did, must have realized that by not cleaning your teeth, they don't stay in your mouth as long as you'd like.
    Jello was invented by plastic surgeons.
    The Holy Spirit transformed Jonah into Pinocchio [note: Disney movie]

    By Blogger Katherine Karen, at 8:06 PM  

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