My Life in Rubber Boots

Friday, November 17, 2006

Almost Back

Well My reader(s) I am on my way back to the province and my trip was only half successful, the amazon was not the ideal treasure trove I thought it was going to be. While in the amazon I went to kindergarten (I have one more week to do, so I will be returning on Sunday evening). At the amazon kindergarten I have made many new friends that I will truly miss and surprising enough they will miss me to. When I am done on Friday the 24th it will be the end of a six week time with them, sure all my new friends are aged 5-2 but they don't judge you when you wear your wool skating sweater or when you are hogging the spiderman coloring book (Ahh spiderman how I will miss your coloring book). Here is one last piece of emotional information, I Valerie Osborne am on the road to semi liking.... (I can't believe that I am typing this)...hugs. But please remeber one thing I AM NOT THERE YET, the amazon is getting to my head so I will stop here.


  • yayayayaya! HUGS. okay, so be sure to check my blog often for my next post, because there will be a wonderful surprise waiting for you.

    By Blogger Trooper, at 6:18 PM  

  • hurray that you posted.
    Hurray that you like hugs, or almost

    By Blogger Lisa, at 11:53 AM  

  • Seems like that ol amazon dun yer some good eh!

    By Blogger Ben, at 2:13 PM  

  • I love hugs!!! They are my favourite!

    By Blogger Samara Ashley, at 9:00 PM  

  • Hey Valerie, remember the time at camp that we all gave you a big loving group hug...we were working you in to slowly likely was our plan all along.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:22 AM  

  • Happy

    By Blogger Robbie Sevilla, at 11:17 PM  

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