My Life in Rubber Boots

Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Loop-hole

Well it's official my sister Laura has moved out of the house, she has cracked the code, flown the coop, and has found the loop-hole that has given her freedom. Now to give you an idea of why this is such a big deal:
1. Osborne's are always together
2. I, Valerie am now an only child
3. Laura's not around to make cake
4. Laura's not around to have random verbal battles with
The list my friends could go on and it may at a later date, but the real joy in all of this is Laura has really good cookies at her new apartment that she lets me eat (plus I have milk with those cookies too!). Another point I would like to make is: "Laura how in the world did you find the loop-hole and where can I find one, so I can pull it out of a hat like a magician when I need it?" If anyone would like to share their loop-holes with me, that would be very entertaining, I might even try one, as long it doesn't involve: bungee jumping, living in a tent on Queen Street, joining the Armed Forces (Navy included), getting a full body tattoo with a spike through my nose, and getting married to an Iraqi Prince. Until next time, Good Luck Laura and make sure your cookie jar is always well stocked because I will be coming soon.


  • it must be very sad day in the osborne household.

    By Blogger Trooper, at 5:47 PM  

  • That was a sweet list, I could have never thought of those things...but I dunno about missing out on that cake, personally we all know how much Fat Nicholson loves cake!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 PM  

  • I thought you liked camping. After all you do own two tents and a full set of camping dishes.

    By Blogger Laura, at 9:43 PM  

  • But remember Laura, camping means no TV, and wilderness and I don't do wilderness.

    By Blogger Valerie, at 8:23 PM  

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    By Blogger Allison L, at 8:26 PM  

  • I think it's time to stop looking for that loop hole and start posting on your blog!! Enjoy the free stuff while it lasts!

    By Blogger Laura, at 8:08 PM  

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