My Life in Rubber Boots

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Rut

Did you ever get in a rut(in life) so deep that you needed a flashlight to see where you are going?Well my friend(s) that's where my life is right now. My life consist of going to on the job training(daycare), eating my three meals a day and watching TV, I do nothing more and nothing less (oh besides go to church on Sundays). This fact was confirmed for me when yesterday which was a Friday I could have gone to Hockey but I was stuck in the rut (hence the need for the rubber boots). As I look through my "calander" I see nothing but empty days and that upsets me, I should be doing so much more then complaining on this blog, I should be going places or have a hobby that would keep me busy. But no I have some how slipped into a rut that I can't get out of, so if this blog is not updated it's because I don't want to keep writing "complaining" posts. This blog will be udated when I am almost out of this rut, and have something better to write about.
Until next time,