My Life in Rubber Boots

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Coming Soon

Coming to a computer near you! A New post

Friday, September 15, 2006

Here is a picture of my rubber boots

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

No I am not going to break out in song (this time), this title is true to me now because September is not my favorite month. September is not my favorite because of one word "school." Ahh!! School, the building where my worst nightmares have come true! I will spare you the details of my nightmares because they are not really all that scary. Well ok here is an example of a worst nightmare: Teacher brings in the TV for us to watch a movie and I start thinking "Hot Dog we are going to watch a great movie!" but no it is not the lastest blockbuster movie, but something called a "educational video." AHHHHH! NOOOO! ANYTHING But That! Let me give you a break down of the movie/video world: a movie is at least two hours long and will take up most of the school day to watch, and a video is at the most twenty-five minutes and it is usually about how most of our ancestors have wrecked the lives of many people to gain beaver pelts and a train track. In my life now is not the historical video but the early educator video. Yesterday I saw the beloved television and suddenly my heart skipped a beat and I had a tight feeling in my chest. I dared to dream that we were going to watch a movie but sadly we did not. Instead we watched a video about a school in Italy and how children learn in a certain community. The high point in the video was when a child, overcome with excitement, picked up a chair and started to wave it around in the air. (Wow those Italians know how to have a good time!)
Soon September will be over and October will begin and with it candy will come! So until next time, chow (learned that word from the video)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Biking Bug

This morning I woke up to the sound of my mother asking where my old bike helmet was because she and my father were going for a bike ride (the picture is my father, mother's picture will come at a later time.) Now you must all be wondering where they got the idea from, I place all blame on a group of certain people who go to my church. Now I know what you are thinking: it's good exercise, they can spend time together, blah blah blah is what I hear! I don't mind the fact that they are biking the real problem is that I was rudely awakened on a Saturday morning to be asked where my old bike helmet is, oh well I had to wake up sometime today it might as well be in the morning! Yes my friends you have just found out a fun fact about Valerie she IS NOT a morning person, sure I got up at 6:30am at camp but that was because I didn't want to deal with other people when I was trying to get clean. I think that is enough about biking and showers for one day so until next time, chow.