My Life in Rubber Boots

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thoughts of an Emotional Valerie

Today is the last day for VBS and in a way I am sad to see it end, my favorite part of it is seeing everyone from the church working together to teach the kids about God's love, and the snacks are pretty good too! On Sunday I am heading back to camp to be a counselor again but this time to high school age and there will 60+ people, I am hoping that it will be a good time and not to stressful, large crowds bring out the extra quiet in me (which some people say may be a good thing!). But when quiet Valerie comes out you can usually find her in corner somewhere, so this week I have to make sure that quiet me doesn't come around to much. Whoo that's depressing here something better to read about! Here's a joke for you: why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side! HAHAHAHA I love that joke! I won't be posting again for a week so here is some advice for you until next time: Go outside and enjoy the last days before school and.... I can't believe I'm going to say this but hug your family and Friends ( I think VBS got to my head!)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I like taking Pictures

Hi I'm back from camp and almost rested up from my days at camp, this camp was a shorter one because it was the first timers camp. I have now seen the Naria movie a total of five times next week will be my sixth time seeing it (Whoopie), the movie really is quite good but after a while the movie does get redundant (wow that's a big word!). The week my friends begins another year of VBS, oh the joy the excitement I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it (please note the sarcasm in that sentence), this year is going to be extra exciting because there are more than one theme going for the week there is going to be: a jungle theme, castle theme and one more I can't think of right know. Luckly I am just a helper which means I eat all the cookies drink all the juice and generally start fights between the kids and other teachers and maybe if I'm real lucky get to eat all the icecream at the last day "party". By know your most likely wondering what the title of this blog has to do with anything I have so far talked about, well my peeps (I'm trying to have some street cred) wonder no more! I have a favorite hobby it is photography from now on I am going to try to have a picture with my post, they may not have anything to do with my post or they may but today they are going to be completely random! That's all for today so See ya later Allagator.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today my reader(s) is Sunday the day of rest for many people and today sadly it is not me. I was in the car today coming home from a exciting birthday party of a member of my church, This member is older than I as was most of the guests except for a select few people (you know who you are!). Anywho back to my thought which was: "self, you should write a new blog" I thought this thought because on Tuesday I will be returning to my job of camp counselor at Canoe Cove Christian Camp, the camp starts on Wednesday but I have to be early so I can be all ready and in the camping mode for the first time campers. But do not worry because I will be back because I can't live at the camp always, I think they kick people out at the end of the camping season. At camp I am the nurse which is ok so far, no one has broken any bones and there has been no large amounts of blood leaving a wound which is on a camper. If there had been cases of large loss of blood I would need my own nurse because I get whoozy at the sight of blood, mine or anyone eleses. Being camp nurse has kept me busy and being at home for a week has a word....boring. I'm sorry Mom but going to Peake's Quay and looking at arts and crafts is not really my cup of tea, although I ocasionaly enjoy a cup of tea. My idea of a cup of tea is going to a movie and Dairy Queen all in one evening WOOT, also my cup of tea is having a
root-beer float and a Teen Burger from A&W WOOT WOOT! But my ultimate cup of tea is going to some out of the way place with friends and eating you guessed it ICE CREAM!! well my reader(s) how does that(this blog) fill your boots? So...Good Evening, Chow, See Ya Later Alligator, Talk to you Later. How ever you say it until next time

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hello again my fellow reader, how are you today? I'm feeling fine! Today was a very relaxing day for me I had a picnic with my mom and sister and we took a drive to Orwell Corner, because we are a frugal family we just looked over the fence into Orwell Corner to see some of the wildlife (no I don't mean the tourists). Right now the sun is settting and the temperature is finaly cooling off, I want to go out and enjoy it but the bugs would eat me alive and also carry me off into the wild blue yonder, so I think I will stay inside and watch some TV. I will talk to you again later when I have more time and something better to say. Good Evening my reader.